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CA Final Exam
CA Exams

How to Ace the CA Final Exam: The Only Guide You’ll Need

The CA final exam preparation might be as difficult as climbing a hill, but it isn’t workable. The outshining future career is enough motivation for some candidates to put in more than a hundred percent effort. So this article is about the CA enthusiast with all the tips and tricks to ace the final exam. B

 10 Tips to Ace CA Final Exam: The Ultimate Guide

Passing CA exams might seem intimidating, but if you have a burning desire inside, then the sky is the limit for preparations. Getting through the CA Finals requires proper planning and a systematic approach. So here are ten tips on how to take a head-start!

1. Compartmentalize and Hierarchize

CA Exam learning is based on two main categories, i.e., theoretical and practical. So, to begin with, preparation, it is essential to categorize subjects into groups ( theory/practical). Further, divide subject groups into tinier chunks chapter-wise for convenient learning. Now prepare yourself for an exhaustive study session varying between 90-100 hours/subject. As per experienced CA professionals, CA exam candidates should take a combination of two subjects per day, including theory and practical. Also, make sure to go through all study material on the first go, including RTPs, MTPs, past papers, course notes, and institutional notes, to get a hold of the subjects for in-depth studies.

2. Focus on Must-Attempt Sections

CA Final exams are about learning, implementing, and managing time effectively. You may feel 24 hours a day become nothing when it comes to exam preparation, but that’s what you have to prepare for. So time crunching becomes your superpower. Start working on the topic or section you must attempt per the CA board. More prominently, focus on the areas/issues that require extra effort and time. Now allocate time slots to prioritize important topics or sections and cover as much as possible in the given time frame.

3. Revise Twice a Day

It’s more than understanding and learning the subjects during CA Final Exam preparation. Revision is a pivotal factor in memorizing and processing all the information on time. Candidates who have passed the CA exam or attempting to retake it know the importance of revisions and quick comeback during the exams. So it is essential to incorporate revision time slots in your timetable on a daily basis. As per CA professionals revisioning your topics twice on the same day helps you get a strong command of the subject’s knowledge and make current amendments in topic/subject understanding rather than amending later and disturbing the concepts.

4. Effective Time Management

CA Exam preparation may seem daunting at the start, but once you learn fast, the number of hours should gradually increase. In the beginning, smaller study slots with frequent breaks seem to get you in motion, but later a few breaks with extensive study hours are your key to success. Initially, CA professionals recommend 9-10 study hours a day in the beginning, which should later escalate to 12-15 hours a day when your exam approaches.

5. Work on Your Learning Pace

To fully prepare for the CA exam, it is essential to set a timetable and work on your learning and revisioning pace. It is the most effective tip to understand your learning style beforehand and adjust the speed on a specific timeframe. Here is a recommended timetable by CA passed students that suggests learning and then a third revision as the final one to get you fully prepared for the last exam period.
  • First Study

Study Time: Around 90 hours/ subject Study Duration: Approx. 2 to 3 months Subject Covered: 2 to 3 Subject/ Day
  • Second Read

Study Time: Around 45-48 hours/ subject Study Duration: Approx. 1 to 2 months Subject Covered: 1 to 2 Subject/ Day
  • Third Revision

Study Time: Around 18-20 hours/ subject Study Duration: Approx. 15-20 days Subject Covered: 1 Subject/ Day

6. Take Breather Periods

CA is one of the most challenging exams to pass in the world. The preparation phase may leave you erratic and exhausted on some days, even unable to pull yourself together to study. The feeling of emptiness and no-productivity might kick in with an extended learning delay that struck between the allocated timetable plan of subject coverage. Sometimes personal emergencies or planned hangouts may hamper. It isn’t an abnormal experience for CA students, so the foremost step is never to panic. Always plan smartly and add buffer periods in your timetable so that you may stick to the realistic study plan while getting a breather.

7. Summarize and Note Down

Theoretical Subjects or topics are best memorized with the summary technique. Make summaries your way through by jotting them down in a notebook and revising the summarized important points for easier memorization. Start extracting and summarizing essential points and concepts from the first read that ensure pacing your learning skills by the revision phase. The summarized version notes become your mind map for final exam preparation. You can also record voice notes for complicated topics, so you do not waste time for comprehensive understanding.

8. Mock Tests

CA Final Exam requires patience, practice, and passion. It is more like a chess game–the best trick to win the game is through training. Mock tests are a great deal regarding CA Final Exam preparation; it helps the candidates get an idea of what he is about to face. From gathering nerves to take the exam, associating/recollecting questions for related topics, the anxiety of lack of knowledge to your pace for attempting different types of questions, mock exams are the primary source to get prepared. As per CA passed students, Taking at least two mock tests is recommended. However, the simulated test results should not be taken as actual outcomes because these tests are not a pinch-sized representative or equivalent of CA Final Exams.

9. Extensive MCQs and Case Studies Research

Potential candidates attempting CA exams often look for easy ways to score marks. However, the CA boards have adopted various technical approaches, including case studies and MCQs, to incorporate in exams for cracking during limited time slots. So it’s essential to understand, practice and critically think well enough so you keep the points. Candidates may take coaching to conduct proper research and practice the case studies. It helps, but if they cannot attend the classes yet work on the lecture notes, they may hire professionals to do my class on their behalf while saving their traveling time and expenditures.

10. Gather Yourself Before D-Day

As you approach CA Final Exam day, collecting and assimilating your knowledge about each subject group for the last 1.5 couple of days is essential. Stay caught up on learning new concepts or practicing further questions. However, ensure you complete all topics because you never know what awaits you. Do not panic and start covering everything stepwise, keeping the peace of your mind in control for the Ca final exam day.

What’s The Outcome Of These Practices?

The final exams for chartered accountants are undoubtedly complex. These are the ultimate steps to collectively keep control of your mental peace and academics. With appropriate practice and pace, you will surely succeed in your exams. However, if they fail, candidates should get professional assistance to take my online exam. It will help them develop better insight and knowledge to pass the exams.

Author: Admin

November 14, 2022


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